Reboot Your Leadership.
Reboot Your Life.

Experience one of our life-changing bootcamps for leaders. Leave with a greater awareness of your personal leadership habits as well as a customized strategy for being the leader you want to be and a network of peers that you can rely on. As one participant said, “It fundamentally changed the trajectory of myself and my business.”


Know that you're not alone. Learn more about our Bootcamps.



  • “Bootcamp gave me the opportunity to go deep with a group of people who truly understood my challenges – both personally and professionally. The experience not only put me on more solid ground as a leader, but it gave me the gift of an incredibly diverse group of trusted and empathetic friends to rely on and support as we continue our journeys. It was a transformative and life changing experience that I recommend for any startup leader no matter your past experience or the scale and scope of your business.”

    Julia Austin

    Julia Austin

    Faculty at Harvard Business School, former CTO at DigitalOcean

  • “I went to the bootcamp to improve my leadership style, but I improved my life instead. The bootcamp is that great and worth every penny. A life-transforming experience.”

    Amir Salihefendic

    Amir Salihefendic

    CEO at Doist

  • "Going into the Reboot weekend, I was beyond tired and empty. I didn't know if I needed a break or a change. The weekend was just what I needed. It was a break and a change, but it was not at all in the way I imagined. I went in feeling intimidated and left feeling recharged and, well, rebooted. It was real work that was, at times, hard and emotionally exhausting, but it was also filled with great joy and comfort that was rewarding."

    Sara Hicks

    Sara Hicks

    Former CEO of Reaction Commerce

You’re kicking ass, but being the leader of a startup is f*cking hard. It can be lonely. Long hours. Constant demands. Never-ending -unforgiving -to-do lists. And no manual. This is why we created the Leadership Bootcamp. Since then, we’ve expanded our Bootcamp menu to include a Co-founder Bootcamp, a VC Bootcamp, and a Reboot Quest.

Join the Reboot Team and immerse yourself in the complexity and vulnerability of being a leader and founder with up to 15 other smart and courageous entrepreneurs. Bootcamps are both rigorous and relaxing. They blend practical skills, radical self-inquiry and shared experiences to enhance leadership and resiliency. You will leave with greater awareness of your leadership habits as well as a customized strategy for being the leader you want to be and a network of peers that you can rely on.

“Are you kidding me?” you might be saying to yourself. “Spend four days away from my company, away from my family, away from my inbox to look deeply into my own heart and figure out who I am as a leader? I don’t have time for this. I have work to do.”

Right. Keep telling yourself that. Keep telling yourself you’re too busy working to figure out why you’re so “busy,” who you need to be as a leader, and what you’d like your company to be.

Perhaps, when you wake in the middle of the night to respond to that “urgent” Slack notification, you can figure out where the company is headed.

One of the traditions at the Reboot boot camps is to cut through our own bullshit. Early on, we create the safety for people to stop the nonsense–to look squarely at the truth of who they are and what the company is. We call this our This Being So, So What? Moment. We then, finally, explore what it is we’re up to so that the choices we make are conscious.

But the gift of doing so is the unleashing of a great capacity. At Reboot, we call that your superpower. Accessing that superpower not only unlocks the creative genius within our company but frees you to find the resiliency within.

For, in the end, that is the goal of our Bootcamps: to show you that you already have the capability to withstand the storms of your lives. You simply need to access it. In doing so, the leader within emerges, with grace and fierce resolve.


You are a leader, CEO, or founder of a startup that has employees.

You may have held your leadership seat before, but you’re facing new challenges.

You’ve logged immeasurable hours and have made tremendous sacrifices.

You’ve had some success with your company. You realize there is more to this game than “success.”

You may be tired, but you must be vulnerable, curious, and courageous.


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