Reboot Podcast Episode Extras #8 – Women’s Conversations: Feminine Leadership, Self-care, & Fundraising for BIPOC Founders

The Reboot podcast showcases the heart and soul, the wins and losses, the ups and downs of startup leadership. On the show, Entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and Startup Leaders discuss with Jerry Colonna the emotional and psychological challenges they face daily as leaders.

Extra 8 // February 4, 2021


Jamie Kim

Jamie Kim

Coach & Facilitator, creator of The Third

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Bunny Ghatrora

Bunny Ghatrora

COO and co-founder of Blume

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Taran Ghatrora

Taran Ghatrora

co-founder of Blume

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Episode Description

In this fourth episode of our Women Conversation series, Reboot Coach and creator of The Third Jamie Kim sits down with Bunny and Taran Ghatrora, co-founders of Blume, a venture-backed self-care company. Taran and Bunny open up about their experience navigating the unforeseen challenges brought about by COVID and describe how their own self-care needs have shifted in the last year. The trio hosts a discussion around the unique hurdles many BIPOC female founders face when obtaining VC funding, and seek to define what it means to lead from a place of feminine leadership. 

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Show Highlights

Memorable Quotes:

“It’s not like VC funding declined in 2020 overall, it’s just funding to women founders was pretty dismal in 2020. ” – Taran Ghatrora

“We know that pattern recognition is a real thing in VC funding and I want to be part of the reason that more diverse founders get funded.” – Taran Ghatrora

“Before I would had this mindset that, wow, I’m so grateful that I’m even allowed in this room or I’m so grateful that this person will even talk to me…I’m learning to shift that mindset to I deserve to be in this room and I’ve worked just as hard as anybody else.” – Bunny Ghatrora

“I think the stories that we tell ourselves when we navigate hard times make or break how we get through these times.” – Taran Ghatrora

“The women before us paved the way for us to be here and for those who will come after us.” – Taran Ghatrora

“I think about women, the people I come from, and all the forms of how people are marginalized and somehow still rising in the face of that adversity.” – Jamie Kim

“I think that when it feels like the world and all of its systems are against you, it’s almost harder to sit in silence and allow other people to dictate what you can do and what you can’t do. You feel this fire inside of you that just pushes you to shout louder and to do everything you can to break down these systems.” – Bunny Ghatrora

“Collective power as an idea is that we are more when we come together, especially when we’re directing ourselves towards a common goal.” – Jamie Kim

“I hold this belief that if we were able to come together and work through our challenges together in an interconnected way, then not only am I lifting myself up but I’m witnessing my sister get lifted up, and just by her being lifted up, I am lifted.” – Jamie Kim

“99% of funding goes to people who aren’t BIPOC women. And so, therefore, the owners of these companies and the founders of these companies who are creating products that are seemingly meant to serve the problems of people who look like us, there’s definitely a gap there.” – Bunny Ghatrora

“When I think of feminine leadership, the thing that stands out to me the most is choosing how I react to certain situations so that I’m proud of my actions and that that situation feels true and authentic to who I am.” – Bunny Ghatrora

“There’s more possibility for something different to be created if you allow yourself the space and time for feeling.” – Jamie Kim

“A tip for people who have no idea what intuition is or think that they can’t connect with their intuition is just thinking about what makes them expand versus contract.” – Taran Ghatrora