Reboot Podcast Episode Operator’s Manual #3 – The Great Re-Examination: How Do You Want to Spend Your Minutes?

The Reboot podcast showcases the heart and soul, the wins and losses, the ups and downs of startup leadership. On the show, Entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and Startup Leaders discuss with Jerry Colonna the emotional and psychological challenges they face daily as leaders.

Ops Manual // Dec 14, 2021


Ali Schultz

Ali Schultz

Co-founder of Reboot

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Jerry Colonna

Jerry Colonna

Co-founder of Reboot

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Episode Description

The phrase, “The Great Resignation,” has become abundantly popular in the media over the recent months. In this episode, Ali and Jerry discuss how pandemic life has ushered forth larger questions around how we want to work and live. They consider how this unique period in time has brought about a rare opportunity for companies, leaders, and employees to re-examine their values, and to put people back at the heart of our organizations.

#101 – A More Powerful Way of Working – with Patty McCord

Show Highlights

Top Quotes:

“My long-term wish here is that people settle in and they get back to putting humans first.” – Jerry Colonna

“How do you want to spend your minutes?” – Jerry Colonna

“It makes employers really get serious about: how are we treating our people and putting people first. What are we offering? What is it to work here? How do you take care of all of these aspects of what it means to have an organization that people want to work for, all the way from psychological safety to good benefits and adequate and appropriate pay.” – Ali Schultz

“Is it enough that we build a company that is financially successful? Or do we have an aspiration to do something even further, something deeper?” – Jerry Colonna

“If we presume that people are going to re-examine their lives and make choices based on their own human needs, and we build that into our expectation, we no longer have to think of that as our failure as leaders, but in fact, a normal part of the process of our growth and development as a company.” – Jerry Colonna

“If we build in the expectation that people will move into our lives and our companies and move out and move on, and we define that as part of the success, we can re-align right around our values and our principles.” – Jerry Colonna